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  • Point!

The light gray-blue long skirt is gentle with a touch of literary and intellectual beauty, and the upper body shirt is designed with a thin suit jacket, which will surely be a light spot for you in the office.


  • Point!

The light gray-blue long skirt is gentle with a touch of intellectual beauty, and the upper body shirt can be easily matched with a blazer, which will surely become a spotlight for you in the office.


  • Design inspiration

In the busy day, you don't need to spend time for matching, so I designed this shirt with neckline on the upper body and dress with French skirt on the lower body.


The fabric is lightly striped, with low-light gray-blue as the theme. In addition to bringing out the charm of urban women, it also has the effect of brightening the skin.


The design of the loose body belt waistband allows everyone to wear different effects, "comfortable and comfortable" is definitely the source of the design of this skirt.


  • Design inspiration

A One-Piece dress is the best item for you in every busy day. With a perfect neckline on the upper body and French-style cozy skirt hem, you don't need to spend time in mix and match.


In addition to bringing out the charm of urban women, we choose the gray-blue color, it also has the effect of brightening the skin.


The design of the loose body belt waistband allows everyone to wear in different effects, "Comfortable" is definitely the theme of this design.




S: 116 cm|40cm |55 cm|98cm |86cm

M: 116 cm|40 cm|55 cm|100cm |88cm

L: 117 cm|41cm |56 cm|104cm |92cm

Light Blue Ashes One-Piece

HK$268.00 Regular Price
HK$111.10Sale Price
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