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GLNEÉ Group Limited understands the importance of protecting personal data and is committed to complying with relevant laws on the protection of personal data to protect the privacy of customers.

  1. The definition of personal data refers to the personal data about the customer (hereinafter referred to as "personal data"), including the customer's name, address, contact number, gender and age group and other information that can identify the individual customer. Personally identifiable data when compared with other data are also included.

  2. Collection of Personal Data Customers may from time to time be invited to voluntarily submit  GLNEÉ  Provide personal data for different purposes. When the company collects personal data from customers, it will inform customers about the purpose of using personal data and the scope of providing it to third parties. Customer's personal data will only be collected after the customer's consent.

  3. Use of Personal Data The personal data of customers collected by the Company will be used for the following purposes.

    1. Provide customers with the company's products and services

    2. Provide customers with information about our company

    3. In order to improve the company's product development and service level

  4. Management of personal data The company will not rent, sell or disclose personal data to other companies not within the company's group. In addition, if it is necessary to use personal information beyond the scope of the intended purpose of use, the company will separately seek the consent of the customer. If customers do not want to continue to receive information from the company, they can contact the company. The company will arrange to stop distributing the company's information to the customer, and the customer's personal data will be deleted as soon as possible without retention.

  5. Management of Personal Data The company will do its best to manage the personal data collected from customers to prevent data leakage, loss or content errors. In addition, the company will set up special personnel to manage personal data. In addition to maintaining and improving the relevant management model and organizational structure, it will also implement relevant data security measures to ensure the safety of personal data and prevent personal data from being illegally read and leaked. , loss, tampering, etc.

  6. personal data storage  GLNEÉ  The customer's personal data will be kept for no longer than is or will be required to achieve the purpose.

  7. Provide to third parties The company may provide customers' personal data to other companies in the company's group, franchise stores and department stores for the purposes of "3. Use of personal data" above.
    In addition, the company may entrust a third party to represent all or part of the business of processing personal data.
    If the company provides personal data to a third party or entrusts related business to a third party, it will not only carefully select it to prevent personal data from being leaked, lost, or altered, and will report to the organization receiving the data if necessary. Supervision, guidance, etc.
    If it is necessary to provide personal data to a third party without the customer's consent, the company will provide it only after obtaining the customer's consent.
    The company may share personal data with persons other than third parties to investigate, prevent or prevent any suspected fraud, or incidents involving threats to the personal safety of any person, as well as to prevent violations of the company's terms of use or illegal acts. Take action.
    If the company is acquired or merged by another company. The company will notify customers and obtain their consent before handing over personal data, and will be subject to another privacy policy.

  8. Amendments to the Privacy Policy The Company may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. Customers are advised to review this Privacy Policy from time to time when browsing our website.

  9. Customer Inquiries If customers request the company to access, correct or stop using their personal data, the company will promptly follow up. However, after receiving the relevant request, in order to prevent the impostor from accessing and leaking personal data, the company will confirm the identity of the inquirer through appropriate methods.

  10. Relevant internal education and training and management structure of the company The company has formulated and implemented relevant personal data processing rules, and continues to provide relevant education and training to employees.

  11. Set up a dedicated department to handle inquiries about personal data The company has set up a dedicated department to handle inquiries about personal data in order to follow up on customer requests as soon as possible. Enquiry Hotline For enquiries about personal data, please contact us. Contact details are as follows ※ Email:

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