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我們的願景 Our vision

GLNEÉ 是一家致力於簡單,時尚和高品質的時尚和生活方式產品的公司。我們的目標是在從美麗的商店到在線的各個渠道中創造無縫的購物體驗,使客戶在每個接觸點都受到極大的歡迎。

To create a company that specialized in simple, stylish, and high-quality fashion and lifestyle products. We aim at creating a seamless shopping experience across every channel, from beautiful stores to online, making customers feel wonderfully welcome at every touchpoint.


我們的成立 When we born

GLNEÉ在 開辦了官方網站 GLNEE.COM,並把線下產品推廣至線上。從流行大氣的時尚服飾到睡前超柔軟睡衣,我們仍然堅信每天都使用負擔得起的最高價,在最簡單的時刻尋求愉悅。  我們周遊世界,尋找最好的布料:最柔軟的羊絨,最純淨的絲綢,最美麗的亞麻。我們確保所製造的一切品質與做工是最精細、出色,並重其耐用性和持久性。


GLNEÉ launched the official website GLNEE.COM and promoted offline products online. From waking up in crisp white sheets to the feel of super-soft cashmere pajama before you sleep, we still believe in using the very best you can afford, every single day, seeking pleasure in the simplest of moments.  We travel the globe to search for the very best fabrications: the softest cashmere, the purest silk, the most beautiful linen, and the finest stoneware. Our products are truly best-in-class – we ensure everything we make is easy to care for, wonderfully durable, and made to last.


我們的格言 Our Motto









At Glneé, we believe the lives we make with the people we love are what makes life truly special. To us, the simple daily pleasures of home, friendships, and family are as important as life’s big milestones. We want to give our customers outstanding quality products and wonderful service to make the most of every day. It’s something we call Perfect Simplicity – inspiration for life.

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